You never know how much you miss home until your away from it. why is that?
I'm getting on a plane in 24 hours to go to houston to see my sister and brother in-law and my little bubby.
I can't wait. I was ready to leave a week ago. people are always saying to me up here. "Why do you go home all the time?" "Holly your always gone?" i kind of ingore the comments but in all honesty I go home so that I'll come back. I love Dallas and it feels more like home than any other place I've been. But what feel more like home is just being with family. I don't care where we are but if we're together that 's home.
I hate holidays up here cause everyone is with family and I'm usually home bored out of my mind. Everyone assumes I want to be left a lone but they are so wrong. There are time where I seriously hate living here. I say all that to say that I can't wait to get to Texas. I'm sitting here in my office countinng down the hours for when I get to leave. It suck that I have a 3:00 appointment cause I have nothing to do. anyways.....