Someone asked me the other day "What do you do for fun?"...I really had to think about it for a second. I can't remember the last time i went out and did something just for the fun of it. Here are the things I call fun. Goding and seeing a great local band...Creating whether that's taking pictures (which i miss more than anything), Painting (which I'm not good at yet but it's still fun), Singing with other people. Making music that isn't for church. This is the kind of stuff I want to get back to doing. I hate it when life is so busy and you realize you've become a human-doer and not a human-being. I want to be who God has created me to be. He created us to create. I believe that with all my heart. So here are a few pictures that i took recently that has inspired me to keep going further.

all three are rusty... which is what happens when things sit in one spot too long and aren't properly taken care of. Never a fresh cleaning... a new coat of paint... sometimes just get piles of stuff sitting on top of them... lumped in a corner with the rest of them... collected... so they sit there, remembering when they were new... when they had a new coat of paint... when they were at their best... wondering what happened... wishing they could shine again... wishing that they didn't creak when they're moved...
nice pictures.
Ah! I love these pics!
I'm getting so excited for you to be here!!!!
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