Saturday, February 16, 2008


Anna and I ran away yesterday. We went to Grand Rapids for the day. It was awesome. We shopped at Target Anna went to T.J. Max ('cause I refused to go... it's not my favorite store) and then we went to a Japanese restaurant called Tokyo Grille. It is definitely on my favorite list. There food is incredible and I'm always craving the sushi. Well, Anna had never been before and I knew she would like it so I took her there. She was boarder line embarrassing. 
When she get's excite about what she is eating she 
doesn't talk with her inside voice. She kept going on and on about her food but seriously after a while i told to at least lower her voice. it didn't work. Anyways....... then we went to the mall. pitiful I know but when you don't have a mall that's closer than an hour away you always make a point to go. So we did. Then we saw a movie and headed home. It was a relaxing day. We should have more of them. It is still cold up here and yet we are having a warm day. The sun is out (which is rare) and it is so beautiful. It's only 28 degrees and we have about 14 to 16 inches of snow. I really haven't been enjoying it lately but today it beautiful.


DuckworthFam said...

mmmmmmmmm... sushi

DuckworthFam said...

how fun! i think you'd change your mind though about tj maxx when you find something awesome then you're hooked. k bye