Monday, February 11, 2008

God in the city

You know I've never been one for church functions, probably cause I've been to a lot of them. But I didn't think I had a choice since I work at the church that's having the function. Tonight we had a dinner for all the new people that have been coming to our church for January. We had about 45 people show up. They came with their spouse or they came with their whole family. I had a blast. I finally got to meet some people that I didn't even know went to our church. Sunday mornings I rarely get to talk to a lot of people just because we are singing when they all come in and/or I'm play as they leave. As we went around the room introducing ourselves I was amazed at the different stories everyone was bringing to the table. It was so refreshing to hear these people say things like. "A friend of mine just told me to try you guys out once and I did and I haven't left since."  or "I have been really hurt by church people in the past and I didn't know if I could trust a church again until I can here." or "I got saved the first Sunday I came and the next week I brought my sister and she got saved. I've never felt so loved by a church." I can't tell you how encouraged I am. I underestimate what we (the church staff) do every week. It is totally worth it. Everyone that came was so excited when they left. They heard our heart for our community. As I'm sitting here I'm listening to a song by Chris Tomlin that states exactly how I feel.  "greater things are yet to come, and greater things are still to be done in this city." God is doing some great things here. 

1 comment:

DuckworthFam said...

Holl - love the blog glad you got one...keep writing