Monday, May 5, 2008


These have been three of the craziest weeks. I've come to realize that I don't do good with out a Sabbath. I know taking a sabbath is important but how do you do that when every single day I have is booked. how do you say no when it comes under your job discription? Yesterday we made the announcement and church. I was amazed how people were excited and not hurt. Maybe it's because their new christians and they don't take offense like some would. It is exciting to see how God is going to do this. Well.....I have to o to staff meeting........more later


Anonymous said...

If you like a good book to read, may I suggest a title? "Outcasts Of Skagaray" by Andrew Clarke. It may appeal if you like books such as 'The Chronicles Of Narnia', and adventure, suspense fantasy with underlying Christian themes. For excerpts go to If you want, check the net for other reviews and comments. See what you think! Happy reading and blessings.

DuckworthFam said...

maybe some people will start stepping up. i'm glad they're excited. good work man.

DuckworthFam said...

uh.... come see us.

we have a house of sabbath.

and if you want to read, Pete Briscoe... LESSONS FROM THE TREADMILL.

the end
